Hellebores. Hellebores, those good natured and – mostly – well behaved plants are looking good at the moment. They associate well with spring bulbs, pulmonaria and ferns. Also underneath Hamamelis (witch hazel), Acers, Cornus and Prunus etc. They grow happily on most soils and require little care throughout the gardening year, apart from the removal … Continue Reading
Plant of the Month – January.
Wintersweet – Chimonanthus praecox. This is a hardy shrub often used as a wall plant. It is wonderful for a short time in the winter, between December and February. This winter the flowers on my plant were glorious until battered in last night’s storm (2/3 Jan). But worth it! It flowers on bare … Continue Reading
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Winter Aconite – Eranthis ‘Schwefelglanz’. A form of winter aconite. They come from the buttercup family and are grown from tubers. Like snowdrops they make you feel as if spring is in the air. Which of course is very deceptive, but who cares, they’re just so cheerful. They look lovely in vast swathes or in … Continue Reading